Kevin Rai

Quick background story

About Me

Ever since I was little I had two biggest enemies that I had to face every day. One of them was my mouth, which seemed to always want to chew on food that was either high in sugar or high in fat (Not the healthiest diet plan). My other sworn enemy was called Laziness, which continuously told me to sit on the couch and watch TV. They followed me till my late teens, commanding every move I made throughout my day.

I still remember it like it was yesterday, I was going to my class for college. My class was located on the fourth floor of the building and 99.99 percent of the time I used to take the lift. 

However, on that day I had overslept so I was running late, to make the day even worse the lift had a queue. So I thought why not just take the stairs this time around~ Not being dramatic but this moment changed my whole life!

As a guy who had never even done a breath of exercise before, climbing up those stairs was the most cardio I had done since I was a kid. 

You could imagine as I climbed those stairs, it felt as though I was climbing up Mount Everest. I was huffing and puffing and sweat was dripping down my face.

But what opened my eyes was not the fact that I was drenched in sweat but how my heart felt. It started with a burning sensation, then all of a sudden it seemed as though someone just straight up grabbed a knife and stabbed me in my chest.

Soon as that happened my body just fell to the ground, the pain was unbearable. After that incident I knew I had to turn my life around, I did not want to go through this again.

Health & Fitness Journey

My healthier fitness journey started as how a normal person would do it, by joining the gym.

I had no clue what I was doing, I was bouncing from one exercise to another while still eating the same food that I was eating before. After a few months to no surprise, I had made no significant improvements.

At this point, I had run out of all the motivation that I had built up and was going to quit. But as I was heading out of the gym, I saw a poster that was promoting private coaching programs.

Through the coaching working along side with them, I learned all about what it means to have a healthy diet, what type of exercise we need to do, and overall how to have a healthier lifestyle.

This started a string of events which was starting a blog about Health & Fitness.

If you got this far, Thanks for Reading This. Hopefully, I did not bore you guys with my life story!

Kevin Rai

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